Summer is coming and, although I do not especially like this suffocating season with her beach crowed of crazy people and the endless days spent roasting under the sun, I must admit, however, that I am really looking forward to have finally a swim! I love to find some relief from the burning heat plunging into the cool water... I love to bask myself into the sea and to leave me to rock up and down by waves... well, until now everything would be really fantastic and would be able to repay me of the time spent gasping among sweating dudes and yelling children, but also the sea, unfortunately, hides under dangerous tricks... I'm talking about jellyfishes, small gelatinous sea creatures that seem to have no other purpose than to make my life a hell! It's pretty obvious that, once sufficiently far from the shore, while gently carried by sea draughts I can finally enjoy some silence and tranquillity, I'm going to find myself suddenly surrounded by a shoal of stinging jellyfishes. They are probably attracted by my whitish skin that does not even want to hear about to get tan and, exchanging me for a their fellow creature, they have maybe not any bad intention... the fact is that it is not at all a good encounter, and although most of the time I'm able to leave away uninjured, I hate those little cocksuckers! Despite my immense hatred, I decided that i will not spoil my holiday with jellyfishes... you will find a full line of summer accessories dedicated to them, or rather to their kawaii version, because, as I always say, the best way to turn what scares us into something harmless is to make it as reassuring as possible through a soft style that exorcise all the ruthlessness! I must admit that I've turned out because these little jellyfishes are really sweet!

Here you will find them in the form of buttons...
This is my centre-piece because it's virtually impossible to reproduce it similarly, in fact I printed my hand carved stamp over a white marble stone that I picked up from the beach where I usually go when I get home in Italy, I surrounded it all with the soft gray felt ... I'm really happy about the outcome ... I hope you like it too, it's for sale here!
And here another star of the sea: a tender little octopus, much more sympathetic of the jellyfish! Using a rubber stamp carved by me, I created these pretty pins that you can attach to the bag, the shirt and everything you wish ...
have a nice summer!