I guess that it's quite clear by now that I love rubber stamps: more than to hand carve, I collect them avidly and it is never enough for me! Here I want to present you some new entries of my very personal collection:

Firstly, I want to show these stamp sets by Afrocat, with which I am literally smitten because of their simple and childlike style. These sets are formed by very fun interchangeable stamps with which to create a lot of odd and amazing combinations. There are a lot of little box to be collected, for having an idea you can take a look to the website of Afrocat. Obviously, I am really looking forward to have all of them; indeed, more are the stamps, more are the possibilities to create more and more strange combinations!

This is another precious stamp set of a very talented illustrator, Marc Boutavant. I'm really proud to have into my hands these stamps because I adore the illustrations of this artist that is very able to create dreaming and unique atmospheres, as these ones:
Following these inspirations, I wanted to render homage to another bright illustrator, whose drawings have the extraordinary power to turn me in a good mood thanks to her unique style. This artist is able to tie together an unbelievable cuteness with an irresistible "nerd-pride" humour...
This artist is Gemma Correll, to whom I wish to dedicate these stamps in order to show my deep love for her amazing pugs. And, concerning little and odd dogs, here's an other worthy representative of this category: the boston terrier (or, as seen the resemblance, the bouledogue français):

I've created this rubber stamp inspired directly by the wonderful world of All-Mighty, the website of two sister, Erica and Jen, to which also their lovely boston terrier, Mighty, collaborates actively. I suggest you to check it out because this website is full of super-cute stuffs, which all have in common the great passion for this funny animal, whose heartbreaking cuteness make it impossible to not love!