For a long time when I was child I wondered what was the secret formula able to create such as a spell and which magician was insomuch as genial to invent it. And I remember how many times adults tried hard in vain to repeat me that beyond bubbles there was only water and soap; all rational explanations were unable to break the fabulous dance of these perfect bubbles hanged over in the air. It was and it is still now for me an inexplicable mystery, and for that, a kind of magic moment that I love every now and then to recreate.
This insubstantial perfection that belongs to soap bubbles seems to be the metaphor of the happiness: more the blow lasts, bigger will be the sphere. Likewise, even if a soap bubble endures only a little and ephemeral instant, its fragile sides are able to contain the beauty all the spectrum of colours of the rainbow.

By this way, I took decision to make this set of hand carved rubber stamps with which you could create wonderful soap bubbles that (surprisingly enough, funnily enough) have the extraordinary power to hang over the time and to give a touch of magic poetry to everything on which they will be stamped. You can find this stamp set on my etsy...
and here you can find other hand carved rubber stamps set, that I've made during last days... I hope you like them!