My personal tradition for Christmas is to make my special cookies for my family and my friends. Every year, about a couple of days before Xmas, my kitchen is turned into a kind of chaotic pastry shop that churns out hundreds of sweet and colourful cookies!!
The aspect that changes in this personal tradition of mine is the decoration for cookies and this year I have find out a pattern to make cute paper bags. Of course, I had also decorated them with some special Xmas stamps, which I made for this occasion. Then, also little felt handmade mascots have been added to each bag, just in order to give a last kawaii touch!
And, my little Xmas gift for you is to provide the pattern of these paper bags: you can download it and use for your personal uses. The tip is also to print it out and use directly to make the paper bag, you can also photocopy it in bigger size in order to have a larger bag (in case of very greedy friends!). I wish you a Merry Xmas!