The transition from suction to swallowing is a challenge for every baby. When the little ones start to eat solid foods, they can be very annoyed, spitting out or drooling, and they can also refuse the pap that we parents have prepared for them with much love. It is known: each new achievement demands time and patience...
Gemma, for instance, often eat her pap without refusing it and generally she likes to taste new things. But she likes even more than eating to put her hand into the dish, to pull throw down her spoon and all items she finds on the table, to spread the pap on her, covering her face, and to turn the kitchen into a real battle field... and of course, I love her mess!!
Actually, I love the pap-time and I want to leave Gemma free to explore as much as she wants while she's eating. In order to make even more funny these first lunches, I have sewed a series of accessories in terrycloth. Towels, dolls and pants with the shape of a bunny and of a bear, and a cute smiling bib. These cute friends help very much me in any occasion I need to dry or clean up Gemma, when she exceed in her mess during the pap time!
Here you can find the patterns to download for free of the smiling bib, of the bear and bunny towel, of the bear and bunny pants, and of the bear and bunny dolls... I hope you will enjoy them!!!