Ink me - Tatouages temporaires forever
Author: Paco Asensio
Publisher: Mao Mao
Some time ago taking a look into a book shop I've fallen in love at the first sight for this book. Attracted by the wonderful draw of the cover by Gemma Correll, of whom I'm an authentic fan, I've taken the decision to buy it without any hesitation. By this way, I was very lucky discovering a huge selection of amazing draws made by Gemma and other very talented artists! Moreover, in this book I find a selection of 16 wonderful decals, which I couldn't wait to use. And here indeed some photos in which I am showing off my temporary master tattoos... At the beach this summer, I was the envy of all children, whose temporary tattoos, found into chips packs, could not compete against the wonderful style of my tattoos ;)!

Among other artists present in INK ME, I desire also to point out:
Akinom Oishi that is also the author of this last drawn: