Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Travel with me! Aeroplane felt brooch.
It's true, today, through the improvement of transports, travel is become a habitual and spread experience. The normality and the ease of the travel had determined the loss of its peculiar feature of existential experience, transforming the travel in something of more and more frustrating. From being travellers in discovering the new, we became consumers that bring everywhere our world, determining that everyplace ends up to resemble each other. Doing that, we often find ourselves in following the marks of the same civilisation from which initially we wanted to escape... If, despite of this general tendency, you feel as one of last people who keeps a romantic vision of the travel, this felt brooch is for you! When you will feel the sensation that the time to leave is come, hang this brooch on your backpack: it will go with you during your memorable adventures to the knowledge of unknown realities remembering you that you are travelling not for moving to somewhere, but just for going, because the significance of the travel is the path you get!
Felt Brooch
More cute felt brooches! Bugs, animals and sweets
During last days I crafted a huge quantity of felt brooches: here you can find a mix of what I've created. There are some animals, as a Bee, a Ladybird, a Snail, a Hedgehog, a couple of Deers, and some gourmandises I like as Donuts, Ice-creams, and Puddings! Let me know which one you prefer!
Felt Brooch
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Herrings Felt Brooches! Crammed but with fun!!
If you often find yourself in some situations insomuch as overcrowding that you fell packed as close as herrings, these felt brooches are for you! These three little fishes, indeed, if attached to, as instance, your bag with which you go to the shopping, will help you to let up on the bother of swarming and noising supermarkets laughing on.... after all, we are all still in the same "tin-plated" boat... Crammed but with fun!

Do you love these brooches? They're now on sale on my DaWanda!
These brooches are hand crafted in felt by me and in the back they are attached to metal pin backs.
Felt Brooch
Monday, 28 September 2009
Yummy Felt Breakfast Brooches!
Here's we have other felt brooches! Their theme is "Breakfast". As you can see in the following photos, the features of these brooches belong the first meal of the day: there's the coffee, donuts, toasts, milk, biscuits, fruits, eggs and, fo course, a croissant! Very yummy... hoping you will enjoy them!
These brooches are hand crafted in felt by me and in the back they are attached to metal pin backs.
Felt Brooch
More and more felt brooches!!
Voilà! These are other felt brooches that I crafted... aren't they lovable?!? In my opinion, the definitively best one is the Four-Leaf clover... Let me know which one is your favourite amongst the Television, the Four-Leaf Clover, the Taxi, the Bus, and the Vegetable Pot!!
Felt Brooch
Saturday, 26 September 2009
The Little Red Riding Hood, Cute Felt Brooch!
These cute and reassuring felt brooches show as "my" Little Riding Hood hasn't anything to do with the respective tale, which I always found a little sinister. I don't know if it was the same for you, but that splatter ambience, in which dismembering and cannibalism lorded, had the power to bother awfully me when I was child. Growing up, my impression doesn't change and indeed it is confirmed by some psychological interpretations that have come out the sexual and disquieting implications of the tale; it seams that The Red Riding Hood should be the symbol of the young girl who becomes adult after having been eaten by the Wolf... that's after stumbling on the man, seen as sexual predator from which to look after. Lately, I discovered that the most ancient version of this tale is Le Chaperon Rouge, appeared in 1697 into a collection of tales by Charles Perrault. The Perrault's version is maybe more scary than the more known Brothers Grimm's one. In this version the Red Riding Hood is an "attractive, well-bred young lady" who ends up eaten with her grandmother by the wolf and there the story ends without any happy end! Perrault, in the end, provided an explicitly the way in which to interpret the moral of the tale urging children, and especially attractive, well-bred young ladies, to not listen at strangers who, behind a nice appearance, hide a dangerous starving wolf!!
In short, after having state all the rawness of this tale, I tried to find my way to exorcize it throughout the creation of a Kawaii Red Riding Hood brand in which also the Wolf is not very bad... hoping that, this time, it will be an happy end for him too!

Do you like these brooches? They're now on sale on my DaWanda Shop!
These brooches are hand crafted in felt by me and in the back they are attached to metal pin backs.
Felt Brooch
Friday, 25 September 2009
Le Petit Prince hand carved rubber stamp set!
I hand carved this rubber stamp set as a tribute to a famous tale that companied me when I was a child: its disarming simplicity fascinates me still nowadays.
In this stamp set you can find represented the features of the Little Prince:
- there's the sheep, which the author of the tale has to draw at the instance of a strange blond kid just met but already very exigent;
- there's the fox, whose teaching helps the Little Prince to understand the meaning of love;
- there's, of course, le Petit Prince who, from his tiny planet, can look up to the stars, to other planets, and the loved sunsets each time he wants simply turning his head...
In short, with these stamps you can be able to recreate everywhere you want (on paper, fabric, wood, ceramics depending on the ink you are using) the adventures of this strange but precious kid. I'm sure that doing that, you will be able you too to look at the world of adults throughout the eyes of the Little Prince, understanding how, sometimes, our behaviours are irrational and futile... These rubber stamps are recommended to everyone, young and old, that loves to create ties and believes in the friendship and in simple and true relationship!

Stamps are carved in a high quality plastic eraser and are mounted on wood for easy stamping. They are placed in a wooden box, decorated with the stamps features.
Handcarved Rubber Stamps
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