Since I've seen this melting video below, I think there's no better way to expose what is, for me, the concept of "perfect gift". While people are often carried away by the stress of the scramble for last minute Xmas gifts, I think on the contrary that what gives sense to the act of donating is the time we spent for our beloved and scrupulousness we dedicate to take care of their presents. What make unique a gift is the time we spent for seeking the right item, which represents the tastes and wills of our beloved; for writing a good greeting card, able to keep up with the sentiments we'd like to expose; for wrapping and presenting it in the more original way, showing how much we care about. Thus, the perfect gift is the one you can't wait to give... because to give a gift should be somewhat able to gratify also ourself, not a mechanic task, or an mandatory action to be accomplished. For that, I feel as the child of this video: while I'm wrapping what I thing is my perfect gift for someone, I experience the his impatience growing in me, I feel the sensation of this great expectation to see a smile appears on the mouth of my beloved.
For this Christmas, I am already looking for the right items and I'm still enhancing my writing capabilities to be used in greeting cards; yet the main decision I've taken is to wrap my gifts with home-made wrappings and to use handmade decorations for them. And here's indeed a special kit I've produced for your special Xmas pacs: four buttons made with modeling clay representing sweet gingerbread men, with which to embellish strings and bows of the pack, and a special stamp made with 6 different motives for printing out a unique pattern on your wrapping paper. I hope you like it, check it out on my etsy...