The waiting for Alice in Wonderland by Tim Burton is growing to highest levels... I'm beside myself! The roman of Carroll is already in itself a visionary travel and Burton will surely satisfy his whims shaping with his wit the magic craziness of this wonderful world. I'm really looking forward to fall over the well of the wild fantasy of Burton following trails that do not lead us to anywhere, with rules made only of exceptions. Waiting for the movie, I'm glad to present my Alice!
Because Alice is not only a blond and conceited girl, who's dipped into a fairy-tale world in which the surreal turns into a sublime zest for paradox and in which all certainties of adults are derided with the use of non-sense and of the "oblivion lessons" by the Mock Turtle.
Alice is also the passe-partout that opens the doors of our contemporaneous world, pointing out its thousands of contradictions, its many darks and few lights. Alice is the symbol of we-all girls that, at any age and in any situation, we fell vaguely uncomfortable or out-of-place, either too big or too small, either too thin or too fat, but in any case inadequate and unable to choose the right thing to do, the right part of the mushroom to eat! And, as Alice, we taste, we raven, we gulp down, then we cry and fast trying to be right size for the situation. Alice, by this way, become for us the attempt to follow a kind of desperate hope, aware of the fact that sometimes we live as prisoner of someone else's dreams and of the fact that the "wonderland" in which we live is often nothing else from a hateful and rude world, inhabited by wicked kings and queens.
I conclude, indeed, saying that these rubber stamps are dedicated to all "Alice" of this world, which loved the tale by Carroll and which are really looking forward to see the Burton's version of this story. I'm sure about the fact that my stamps will help you in keeping down your enthusiasm through customizing everything you want (paper, fabric, porcelain, metal, vinyl, plastic, glass, leather etc...) with the Alice's adventures!

Stamps are carved in a high quality plastic eraser and are mounted on wood for easy stamping. They are placed in a paper box decorated with the stamps features.
1 commenti:
La canzoncina dell'Inadeguata
Da: Alice, una meraviglia di paese - Lella Costa.
O troppo alta, o troppo bassa
Le dici magra, si sente grassa
Son tutte bionde, lei e’ corvina
Vanno le brune, diventa albina
Troppo educata, piaccion volgari
Troppo scosciata per le comari
Sei troppo colta preparata
Intelligente, qualificata
Il maschio e’ fragile, non lo umiliare
Se sei più brava non lo ostentare
Sei solo bella ma non sai far niente
Guarda che oggi l’uomo e’ esigente
L’aspetto fisico più non gli basta
Cita Alberoni e butta la pasta
Troppi labbroni non vanno più
Troppo quel seno, buttalo giù
Bianca la pelle, che sia di luna
Se non ti abbronzi, non sei nessuna
L’estate prossima con il cotone
Tornan di moda i fianchi a pallone
Ma per l’inverno la moda detta
Ci voglion forme da scolaretta
Piedi piccini, occhi cangianti
Seni minuscoli, anzi giganti
Alice assaggia, pilucca, tracanna
Prima e’ due metri, poi e’ una spanna
Alice pensa, poi si arrabatta
Niente da fare, e’ sempre inadatta
Alice morde, rosicchia, divora
Ma non si arrende, ci prova ancora
Alice piange, trangugia, digiuna
E’ tutte noi, e’ se stessa, e’ nessuna
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