Monday 31 January 2011

Stamp-piling! For all hand carved stamps addicts!

New hand carved rubber stamps

I have never enough of hand carved rubber stamps! I'm indeed a compulsive carver... I'm the terror of all erasers that in my house cannot feel safe because they risk constantly to be cut and snipped to become cute stamps! And here you can see an evidence of it! You can find them on my etsy shop...

Penguin hand carved rubber stamp Panda hand carved rubber stamp
Lady hand carved rubber stamp Snowman hand carved rubber stamp
Snail hand carved rubber stamp Little house hand carved rubber stamp
Yummy donut hand carved rubber stamp Gingerbread man hand carved rubber stamp
Mushrooms hand carved rubber stamp Cup of tea hand carved rubber stamp
Apple hand carved rubber stamp Mushroom hand carved rubber stamp

Monday 24 January 2011

Clouds Lovers

Hand carved rubber stamps for clouds lovers

- Qui aimes-tu le mieux, homme énigmatique, dis ? Ton père, ta mère, ta soeur ou ton frère ?
- Je n'ai ni père, ni mère, ni soeur, ni frère.
- Tes amis ?
- Vous vous servez là d’une parole dont le sens m'est restée jusqu'à ce jour inconnu.
- Ta patrie ?
- J'ignore sous quelle latitude elle est située.
- La beauté ?
- Je l’aimerais volontiers, déesse et immortelle.
- L’or ?
- Je le hais comme vous haïssez Dieu.
- Eh ! qu'aimes-tu donc, extraordinaire étranger ?
- J'aime les nuages... les nuages qui passent... là-bas... là-bas... les merveilleux nuages !

Charles Baudelaire, "L'étranger", dans Le Spleen de Paris, 1869

- Tell me, enigmatic man, whom do you love the best? Your father, or your mother, or your sister, or your brother?
- I have neither father, nor mother, nor sister, nor brother.
- Your friends?
- You are using a word whose meaning remains unknown to me to this very day.
- Your country?
- I do not know under what latitude it lies.
- Beauty?
- I would love her gladly, goddess and immortal.
- Gold?
- I hate it as much as you hate God.
- Well then! What do you love, extraordinary stranger?
- I love the clouds ... the passing clouds ... over there ... over there ... the marvelous clouds!

Charles Baudelaire, "The Stranger", in Le Spleen de Paris, 1869

Hand carved rubber stamps for clouds lovers Hand carved rubber stamps for clouds lovers
Hand carved rubber stamps for clouds lovers Hand carved rubber stamps for clouds lovers

And these hand carved rubber stamps are purpose made for all clouds lovers... check them out on my etsy!

Wednesday 19 January 2011

New bijoux from cloudsland

New bijoux from cloudsland!

To be with the head in the clouds is a well defined frame of mind: that's, for instance, when you come out forgetting the keys in the pocket of the coat that you have decided to not wear or when you put some salt instead of sugar in your cup of coffee... it's disgusting! It means, otherwise, to prefer staying laid down on the grass staring at the clouds while interpreting their forms to passing a whole day in the downtown's chaos... here your imagination gets the upper hand and starts to draw in the sky everything crosses your mind, as just the little Amélie that in her wonder-world took photos of clouds with the shape of bears and white rabbits!

New bijoux from cloudsland!
More than to be a perfect raw material for our imagination and a refuge for our infantile fantasy, clouds are also able to break up the monotony of a bright blue sky. How would be boring our life if we were forced to stay always under a cloudless sky, without this amazing show of moving and colors that, too often, we strive to underestimate? And here in Paris I have to admit that clouds are never lacking... rather, I could say that more to have my head in the clouds, I've also very often my feet in the puddles! For that I've created a set of bijoux, in which the main character is a felt cloud that puts on four different expressions... these cute necklaces and bracelets are purpose made for all people who loves staying with the head in the clouds showing to not be prisoner of a too material world! Check them out on my etsy!!

New bijoux from cloudsland! New bijoux from cloudsland!

Tuesday 11 January 2011

New HAND carved rubber stamps

New HAND carved rubber stamps!

Hand carved rubber stamps are my greatest passion, as maybe you know. With them I can repeat a pattern endlessly, giving a personal touch to whatever I want! Paper, t-shirt, glass, everything become "mine" thanks to hand carved rubber stamps. Nothing is easier and faster than a chop of rubber stamp! And, for celebrating this smart tool, here's new hand carved rubber stamps, since now available on my etsy shop!!

Strange creature hand carved rubber stampHedgehog hand carved rubber stamp
Ladybug hand carved rubber stampLion hand carved rubber stamp
tv hand carved rubber stampFloret hand carved rubber stamp
bouledogue hand carved rubber stampmatryoshka hand carved rubber stamp

I hope you like my new hand carved rubber stamps!

Thursday 6 January 2011

The "Galette des Rois" day

Galette des rois plush

The "Galette des Rois" is a golden pastry cake filled with an almond cream called "frangipane". Here in France, it celebrates the Epiphany and it is traditionally sold by all boulangeries during this period and it is eaten around the 6th January, just in order to keep ourselves trained to eat a lot after the heavy xmas session ;). The tradition wants that the cake was the occasion to draw the kings during the Epiphany day: a lucky charm in porcelain (called "fève") is hidden inside the galette and the lucky one who finds it out, more than to risk to break her or his teeth, becomes the queen or the king for the day, assuming the right to wear the crown in golden paper!

Galette des rois plush

And, as it is really delicious, I've taken the decision to post the recipe of this cake in order to give to whom not live in France the opportunity to taste this sweetness! And maybe to become also Her or His Royal Majesty for one day!

galette des rois recipe

Monday 3 January 2011

The handmade revolution: Commit me your custom rubber stamps!

In a world more and more dominated by a continuous process of standardization of tastes, which imposes us thousands of identical and depersonalized goods without any sentimental value, it becomes essential to find a way to mark out our uniqueness. For that I am a supporter of the handmade world... I think it represents a concrete opposition to the conformism of our society, a form of struggle against the attempt to destroy individual differences and to commodify all human interactions. And the funniest way to oppose myself to this general standardization is to stamp custom draws to my stuff: t-shirts, fabrics, paper goods, etc become unique... for that I've taken decision to start to accept commissions for custom hand-carved rubber stamps. If you feel you too that you need a personal rubber stamp with your face or with the face of your beloved, send me an email with a picture, I will be glad to turn it in a rubber stamp to be used to decorate everything you want! Above you can find same samples of possible outcomes...

Otherwise, if you have a favorite draw, made by you or by your beloved or simply found somewhere, that you'd like to turn into a rubber stamp, I can do it for you! For instance, recently I was happy to be charged by Rosario, alias Dona Maria, to turn a sweet draw of her daughter into a rubber stamp, the photo above shows the result of my work.

And Ana, alias B'arte, asked me to turn her logo into a rubber stamp, with which she can sign all her creations, business cards and more and more... the photo here above refers to her commission.

Finally, if you are on the point to launch an e-shop or a website but you have not yet a logo, you can do as Christina, alias Raggybaby Blankets, that asked me to create both her logo and her hand carved rubber stamp taking inspiration to mermaids, as her son has an authentic passion for these marine creatures... for launching her new shop on etsy I've also created her banner.

For enquiries about personalized rubber stamps and logos and their prices, don't hesitate to send me an email!

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