Thursday 8 October 2009

Birds in a golden open cage. Hand Carved Rubber stamps, set of 3.

What do you prefer? Imagine to be a little bird and that you could make your choice....
Would you prefer to be a flat-bird, whom always has plentiful of food and fresh water, warm during winters but closed into a cage....
Or would you prefer to be a street-bird..., surely food will be scarce, you would satisfy yourself with bread grain and water from puddles... there would be dangers, diseases, a very hard life, but you would have the whole sky where to fly....
My question is: why to be forced to choose between the first and the second alternative while yon can have both?!? You know, I think that the TRUE freedom is to can choose the one or the other choice following how you feel at the moment. There's some days in which you could feel the need to be protected into a little cage in which you can collect your thought... this cage, however, has never to be transformed into a jail: it has to be always open in order to leave you free to fly away into the world giving you the opportunity to come back without to be obliged to escape for ever!
These stamps represent the real freedom: that's to be able to choose what you want without compulsions or intimidations and avoiding that an enormous system swallow us!

Stamps are carved in a high quality plastic eraser and are mounted on wood for easy stamping. They are placed in a paper box putted into a fabric tote decorated with the stamps features.

2 commenti:

Unknown on 9 October 2009 at 22:50 said...

Il tuo blog è veramente carino e .... come vorrei essere anche io a Parigi!!!!!

Memi The Rainbow on 10 October 2009 at 01:25 said...

Sono contenta che il mio blog ti piaccia... ho sbirciato anche il tuo e ho visto che sei anche tu un'appassionata di feltro! Sei bravissima e le tue creazioni sono veramente originali! Anch'io tra poco aprirò un negozio su Etsy; pensavo mi prendesse meno tempo ed invece si sta rivelando più lungo del previsto... comunque sono quasi pronta per l'inaugurazione!

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