Wednesday 4 November 2009

Christmas Tree Felt Ornaments

Christmas is soon approaching and in the streets we can already feel the sweet natal atmosphere... I don't know what you think about, but I am crazy about all such little lights, stupid jingles, and trash decorations! So, being absorbed in such an atmosphere, I've taken decision to create something about Xmas! Here's these tender felt ornements appear to you, the perfect added touch to your Christmass decorating.
Hang them up your holiday tree for making more Kawaii your Xmas. These decorations can serve as a nice holiday gift idea: for instance, they can become a little cute present that your children could enjoy to pick directly from the tree during the Christmas night... you'll see, they will have a lot of fun!

These ornaments are hand-crafted in felt by me. They're now on sale on my DAWANDA

3 commenti:

Anonymous said...

I love the little kitties. So cute. I love all your little felt creations. What do you color the felt with?

Memi The Rainbow on 5 November 2009 at 11:19 said...

Thank you very much for your dear comment! I colored the felt for doing the spotted-effect on the coat of my felt-animals with powder, as the cosmetic one. I used a cotton applicator for being precise. I read to do that in a Japanese book about felt crafting... it resistes to touching, don't worry!

Unknown on 5 November 2009 at 12:00 said...

Troppo carini!!!!!:)

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