Here in Paris the sun and warn weather are very demanded now. Since two weeks ago (or maybe more, alas I'm losing count!), it's raining without any truce. In this moment, it is pouring! Albeit in Mars I was already dreaming the coming of the warm season, the summer and the sea, this gray blanket is risking to surround my good feelings...
But I'm not still resigned to rain and clouds, and I've made a couple of new felted friends in order to show that I'm still believing that summer will arrive, soon or late, and to propitiate the coming of sunny time. Mr. Crab and his best friend, Capt. Octopus are both on my etsy, I hope you like them, they perhaps will serve as mascot for encouraging the coming of the sun!!

4 commenti:
Here in Italy is already too hot for me.. I'm trying to fight back summer as long as I can :D btw, love the tiny crab! :)
lovely brooches!! I realy like the octopus!!!
Aw! I love them both, but especially the crab :).
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